Gail Hegeman provides professional mentoring and tutoring for occupational and physical therapists preparing to take the Certified Hand Therapist board examination. She also provides private instruction, tutoring and coaching for allied health professionals and students who are interested in gaining certification in ergonomics. Gail has lectured at colleges such as Springfield College and American International College on Hand Anatomy, Upper Extremity Pathology, and Dynamic Splinting. She provides tutoring on UE anatomy, physiology and treatment of specific injuries. As the chairperson of the Western Mass Hand Study Group, Gail has taught numerous continuing education classes including biomechanical analysis of the thumb, radial tunnel syndrome, tendonitis treatment, PIP flexion contracture management, RSD, shoulder impingement syndrome, lateral epicondylitis, compression neuropathies of the UE, tendon repair protocols, physical agent modalities and manual edema mobilization techniques.